It's official. Bloc Party rocks. I saw their show last night at the Congress Theater, a venue that leaves a lot to be desired, but they played a good show. They are a british power pop band that sounds somewhat like Rush or a similar heavy rock band, but with a lot of effects and loops and some Dismemberment Plan-esque guitar weirdness. Really good. If there were any weaknesses, I would say the lead vocals were a little sloppy. Kele Okereke is obviously a talented performer, but he tends to sing in a monotone and misses a lot of notes. I give the show an 8.25/10. If you like fast, tight, interesting british indie power pop, check them out when they come to your town. I would definitely see them again.
Some good song suggestions on yesterday's post. I added some Kanye West, Ryan Adams & the Cardinals, Decemberists, and a couple other tunes. Hopefully the compilation will be ready for this weekend. If you want it, you have to come get it.
The weekend is fast approaching (it seems like the weeks go by fast, doesn't it?); what are you up to? I'll be supporting the Hawks on Saturday, location yet to be determined. I was going to have a BBQ and invite everyone over, but a lot of people are out of town this weekend and I don't think I have the personnel for a rowdy party, so we may just be at Sedgwick's again...
Also, I'm looking for something fun to do Friday, as many of my cohorts who are in town will be attending the Sufjan Stevens show without me. Does anyone want to adopt me for the evening? I can offer minimal-yet-acceptable levels of charm, wit, and social restraint, and I will do my best to make non-offensive conversation. If not, Gate and I will probably end up playing one-on-one Beirut in his fancy new kitchen and upsetting his bride-to-be Sarah with our spilled beer and foul language.
It's a dreary day out there, a little chilly with not much sun. Let's hope things improve for the weekend. I think this weekend may touch off a string of good ones, with Ohio State and the Lyric Opera Gala the weekend of the 24th, and then homecoming in IC the following weekend. As a proud alumni of Iowa, I have to go back and relive old times with other people as immature as I am (Speedy, GUnit, I'm looking in your direction).
That's all. Enjoy your Thursday, it's almost time for the weekend.
From "This Modern Love", one of the biggest highlights of last night's show-
Don't get offended
If I seem absent minded
I get tongue-tied
I've never known what's good for me
Baby, you've got to be more demanding
I will be yours
This modern love breaks me
This modern love wastes me
Rock on.
my immaturity will be in full swing come homecoming
and 'For all you suckas hatin' on me, thanks a lot, ya'll help me out'--courtesy of WHO? MIKE JONES
speedy(although i don't really like this nickname, it doesn't seem like it is going away so i might as well embrace it, right?)
9pm doors at the Metro for the Sufjan show. I think pitchers at Yakzies pre-show are in order and we'll meet up afterward the show somewhere in wrigleyville. The Cubs v. Cards game is a 2:20 start and I am sure the neighborhood is going suck afterwards :)
my thoughts on the show are posted also.
hey tim, i really dig that family guy site but it sucks you don't get the video with the audio
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