Friday, January 13, 2006

Rants and Raves- Fritaturday Edition

It's almost go time. Fritaturday is what happens when the whole weekend sort of blends into one long, hyperactive blowout. This weekend is going to be one of those, because TheGirl is throwing a bachelorette party for her pal and thus I am being left to my own devices until we return to work on Monday (for some of you, Tuesday).

First though, a little Martin Luther King trivia: What Beatles song is a metaphor for the civil rights movement? Answer at the end of this post.


1) Scummy lobbyists. Does anyone without $5 million to spend on influence have a voice in government anymore? Both parties are guilty. Wag of the finger to both of you.

2) Stealing my email address. I've been receiving "returned mail: service unavailable" messages lately, showing me that someone is using a POP mail server or like device to pretend that I am spamming people. Stop that, you dumb jerks.

3) School shootings. We are the only country in the world with this problem. I don't know why, but I'm not sending my kids to school abroad some day, so cut it out.


1) Lots of good press for that nasty Bear defense. I can't tell you the last time I was so anxious for an NFL game. Might I say January 26, 1986?

2) Landmark on Halsted. Great space, great eye candy, and not smoky. Tip of the cap to you, Landmark.

3) Troop withdrawal. I'm not getting into the pros and cons of the war in Iraq here, but I will say that no more troops dying is an unqualified good thing.

4) All-you-can-drink. I'm hitting one tonight at Murphy's Bleachers. Like K-Rock says, they allow you to indulge in the great Chicago nightlife for a fixed price, which is great considering that my 401K plan has kicked in and I am now working with 20% less disposable income each and every day.

Fritaturday is upon us, so it's time for me to sign off. Have a great weekend, and let's BEAR DOWN, Chicago.

Answer to trivia question: Blackbird.

More on civil rights on Monday.

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